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Complementary Care to help You Thrive Through Each State of Motherhood

A unique integration of chiropractic care with the best of functional medicine that addresses physical pain and nutrient deficiencies supports a natural birth and ensures the healthiest outcomes for you and your baby


Maternal Packages

Intro Session

A private 90-min session that assesses your body for imbalances - including nutrient deficiencies - that contribute to pain and energy issues. Includes a 30 min follow-up.

Pregnancy Packages

An ongoing partnership that includes the Intro Session and up to 16 follow up visits that integrate manual therapy and functional medicine from 20-40 weeks.

Pregnancy + Postpartum Package

An ongoing partnership that includes the pregnancy package and cares through 12 weeks postpartum, includes 20 follow-up sessions.

Schedule a discovery call

For you, having the healthiest pregnancy possible is your #1 priority

You not only want to thrive during this very pivotal time in your life, but you want to ensure that your little one is getting everything they need from your body.


The other thing on your mind? Birth. Your intention is to avoid medical interventions and deliver your baby naturally.


So, in this moment, you’d really love support with both. To essentially work with one practitioner who can:

  • Relieve your lower back pain, hip pain, and pelvic pain

  • Address imbalances that may affect the position of the baby for birth

  • Identify any nutrient deficiencies that are important to remedy 

  • And more

Because as someone who is juggling a lot - a household, a job, perhaps another child, and a full life - knowing one practitioner has your back (literally) and knows how to set you up for success, would really make life easier.

Well, you're in the right place.

First, I’m here to tell you that it is absolutely possible to experience relief from these symptoms during pregnancy. 


Study after study have shown that chiropractic adjustments are more effective, safer, and lower cost than other options such as medication, physical therapy, and surgery. 


Yes, it IS possible and safe to get adjusted during pregnancy (I have a special table and pillows to allow space for your growing baby) especially by a specialist who is Webster certified, and also performs myofascial work, like me! 


Second, I’ve found that functional medicine helps tremendously with fatigue and pain. Individualized dietary and supplement recommendations based off thorough blood work is so helpful in supporting your body as it performs the amazing (and energetically demanding!) task of creating, sustaining, birthing, and nourishing a baby.


That’s why I’ve combined all of these methods together into one holistic package:

Here's how it works.

A personalized form of complementary care designed to address physical pain and nutrient deficiencies supports natural birth and ensures the healthiest outcomes for you and your baby.

Pain, fatigue, and baby malpositioning are all indicative of structural and/or energetic imbalance in the body which can affect the birth process by hindering the passage through the birth canal or interfering with nerve/blood supply to the uterus. 


These issues can lengthen labor, increase medical intervention, and place more stress on the baby’s delicate spine. Restoring balance to the body helps women live to their fullest potential during pregnancy and feel empowered by their birth. 


A non-traumatic birth and continued health support postpartum build the foundation for conscious parenting and unleash the progress of future generations.


The Maternal Wellness Experience


Depending on which option you choose, this package can include:

  • Functional nutrition blood work and individualized supplement, diet, and lifestyle recommendations. Includes an initial treatment plan and follow-up visits every 8 weeks.

  • Manual therapy including Webster technique for optimal baby positioning, chiropractic adjustments, and myofascial release. Recommended biweekly from 20-28 weeks and then weekly until birth.

  • Movement recommendations including pregnancy-safe, functional movement exercises from BIRTHFIT ™, Spinning Babies R exercises for baby positioning and labor, and postpartum core rehabilitation.

  • Do you treat men/non-pregnant women?
    Yes! Although I have a specialty in perinatal chiropractic, prior to transitioning full time to my private practice in 2019, I served the general population for the first six years of my practice. I also did a postgraduate residency in sports medicine, where I treated primarily high level high school and collegiate athletes.
  • Do you take insurance?
    I am out of network for all health insurance carriers. For patients with out-of-network chiropractic coverage, we will submit claims on your behalf and generally receive reimbursement directly. Insurance can be confusing. Feel free to reach out for a complementary benefit check so we can give you an out of pocket cost estimate.
  • Is it safe to get a chiropractic adjustment during pregnancy?
    My somewhat cheeky response to this is sharing the very low malpractice insurance rate chiropractors have compared to other physicians ;). Current studies reveal no negative outcomes from adjustments to pregnant women, and reveal that up to 84% experience significant pain relief. Like many areas of holistic prenatal care, more studies would be helpful. Unfortunately, the chiropractic field has few studies compared to the medical field due to lack of funding from economic powerhouses like Pharmaceutical companies. Pelvic adjustments during pregnancy are generally done using something called a “drop” technique which is very gentle and involves the patient lying on supportive pillows face down. (This varies from other techniques in which the patient lays on their side for a pelvic or low back adjustment because we do not want to stress or create torsion on the uterus during pregnancy.)

Your Options


Your Results

  • Relief from low back, hip, pelvic, and rib pain.

  • Guidance in return to exercise and how to safely engage the core during pregnancy to set up for an easier postpartum recovery

  • Optimization of pelvic biomechanics shown to allow for ideal baby positioning, reduce the time of labor, and reduce birth interventions such as pitocin and c-section. 

  • Movement recommendations to support ideal baby positioning from Spinning Babies ™ 

  • Thorough blood work looking for subclinical anemia, hypothyroidism, or nutrient deficiencies which may not be diagnosed by conventional medicine but can have a significant impact on energy level.

  • Individualized dietary recommendations to optimize the growth, development, and even future metabolism of your baby

  • Continuum of care from pregnancy through the 4th trimester. 

  • Referrals to other providers when indicated including therapy, psychiatry, acupuncture, pelvic floor physical therapy, etc.

The answer is yes if...

  • Are willing to take an active role in your health and wellbeing through homework that is manageable with your schedule. 

  • Are seeking an informed and empowered pregnancy and birth. 

  • Believe in your body’s ability to heal itself when given the proper tools. 

  • Have the time to receive regular bodywork for 30 minutes per session.

The answer is no if...

  • Are looking for passive care only.  

  • Prefer to leave your medical and birth decisions 100% to your provider.

  • Believe in the technocratic model of medicine, that medication and surgery are the best/only tools to manage symptoms.

  • Are looking for a 5 minute, “crack and go” treatment.


Is the Maternal Wellness Experience for you?

Mountain Range

Ready to find balance, strength and resilience in your motherhood journey?

Click the button below to schedule an initial 1 hour appointment where we’ll review your concerns and goals, and get started on bodywork.

Interested but still have questions?

Schedule a discovery call for more information and a complimentary insurance benefits check, or an out-of-pocket cost estimate.

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